This has been an interesting week. We are getting caught up in the office and I am even getting ahead on some of the letters. Because it was Valentine's Day today, we had a LOT of packages come through the office. It wasn't as bad as Christmas though.
On Monday I went into the Presidency meeting with President Hale and his 2 counselors to take minutes. It lasted about 1 1/2 hours. We then had a staff meeting that lasted for 2 1/2 hours. When we were done it was time for lunch. By the time we got back from lunch it was 2:30 and I hadn't accomplished a thing.
We made it through our first week of our diet. We both feel a little difference in the way our clothes fit but nothing huge. It was hard on the days we had off to eat because we don't want to gain the weight back that we tried so hard to get rid of. Tim actually had hot dogs, broccoli and cottage cheese for his first "free" meal. I am really impressed with his attitude. I managed to make it to the exercise room and do the treadmill and bike for about 40 minutes 5 times this week. Hopefully that will help along with the dieting.
We went to the Hogge's for a Valentine get-to-gether with the other 4 couples Saturday night. During our dinner we were given a paper that listed a person on it. We were to take on the personality of that person. I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. We were also given about 3 facts about the state of Idaho because we were also celebrating the departure of the Dallings. Mine was something like 1) the world’s largest man-made geyser is in Soda Springs ID 2) the fruit belt of Idaho is near Lewiston, etc. We were supposed to incorporate those facts into our dinner conversation. It was pretty hilarious. Tim was Elvis Presley and he was soooo funny! Whenever someone would say something, he would say "Thank you. Thank you very much." When someone would ask a question I would say, "If you would come with me to see the wizard I know he could answer that...etc." We were to guess who everyone was.
We talked amongst the group about how our husbands could go all day long without noticing or talking to us. Sister Welch said they drove hundreds of miles coming here without saying a word to each other. Sister Black said she once experimented to see how long it would take Elder Black to notice she had some Minnie Mouse eyelashes on and it took him 3 days before he finally asked what she had on her eyes. Then Elder Welch said he had gotten in trouble before and wanted to know “How do you tell when your wife has had a haircut?” Tim told him to see if there was a charge on his credit card or if there was a missing check. We all laughed so hard. I am going to miss our association with the group.