Monday, February 8, 2010

Diet or slow death..................

Tim and I started a diet today that the Dallings told us about. You eat specific foods for 3 days and then eat sensibally what you want for the next 4. You are supposed to lose 10 lbs. each week for the 1st month and then taper off. Elder Dalling lost 60 lbs on it before coming on their mission. He is going to do it with us also. Sometimes we have dinner at the President’s home on Wednesday evenings so I asked Sister Dalling what they did on those weeks. She said they did it on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. I told Tim that and then said, “Or we could do it on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday and then we won’t feed the missionaries on those days.” He said, “Why wouldn’t we be missionaries? What has that got to do with the diet?” He had heard me to say “be” instead of “feed”. I laughed so hard my head hurt and then he started to laugh. We both started to choke on our pineapple and had to be careful so we didn’t choke to death. This morning we could have 2 T of peanut butter on a dry piece of toast and 2 slices of fresh pineapple. We can also eat all the bananas, apples, carrots and celery that we want.
For lunch today we could have 1 piece of dry toast with a small can of tuna (no mayo). It was VERY dry. As Tim was opening the can of tuna, he said, “Do we have to have this whole can? I said yes and he then said, “I think I will have some of the tuna in it too.” He is funny. I think I put the whole can in my mouth before I swallowed any. It just kept accumulating in my cheek. Finally I got some carrots and ½ an apple to try to force it down. I am NOT fond of tuna. I told Tim that I could feel the 2 lb. of fat falling off of my body already. He said, “I know. I almost tripped over it in the parking lot.” What an experience. It almost felt like we were eating fake food at a little tea party. We had a good laugh about it again.
Tonight we could have 2 3-oz pieces of meat, 1 cup of green beans and 1 cup of beets with 1 T of vinegar. Tim doesn’t like red beets so he is substituting pickles for the beets. I chose to get pickled red beets and forgo the vinegar as it is already in it. I took off to exercise while Tim was fixing his dinner. When I got home, I asked how his dinner was and he said, “I tried your beets and got all of them eaten before I realized I forgot to put the vinegar in so I drank the tablespoon of vinegar straight.” That gave me another great laugh. It was almost too much for me to eat. I was getting sick to my stomach. I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

HappyHoldstocks said...

You guys are a riot. I think we have lost 2 lbs just laughing so hard at your dieting experience.