President and Sister Hale flew Shawn Bradley, former BYU basketball player, who also played for Philadelphia 76ers, Dallas Mavericks and one other NBA team to be the guest speaker with his wife, Annette, for our Sister's Conference on Friday. He is about 7'6". There were about 30 of us at the President's home for the conference. Our President is about 6'4" tall and looked like a midget next to Shawn. Shawn and Annette are very humble but spiritual people. Annette served her mission here in Fort Lauderdale so she really enjoyed "reliving" being here. This is a picture of Shawn, the President's 9 year old son Cameron and Elder Bachynski (I have a picture with him previously on the blog) who just signed to play with Arizona State when he gets off his mission. His papers were sent to the President's home and he signed them in front of Shawn which gave Elder Bachynski a boost.

Janet is the short one! His wife is about the same height as Janet. Someone once asked him how they kissed and he said "with our lips". He is a very emotional person and cried during our opening prayer which was offered by one of our sign language Sisters. He then cried through our opening song "Walk Tall, You're a Daughter of God."

Sister Bradley is a darling lady. They have 4 daughters and 2 sons. Shawn has retired and helps his friend run a ranch in Castle Dale, Utah (Central Souther Utah)

Shawn said that he had as assignment to sign about 200 basketballs for charity one day. The next day they went into their little 3 year-old girl's room and noticed black majic marker all over all of her toys. When they asked her why she did it, she said, "I signed my autograph!"
Another daughter used to ask him to sign her homework book every night when she was in 2nd grade. He was quite thrilled that she would ask him to do it instead of her mom. A few weeks later he noticed that the bottom of all of the previous pages had been cut off. He asked her why that was and found out that she had sold his autograph to her friends.
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